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5 Impactful Anti-Smoking Commercials That Will Make You Cough Up More Than Smoke

World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on 31 May to raise awareness about the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use. As with every social cause, their impact is amplified manifold through well-planned advertising campaigns. And anti-smoking or anti-tobacco campaigns are no exceptions.

So, here we are with 5 powerful anti-smoking commercials that will leave you gasping for air, albeit in a good way!

1. World Health Organization: Tobacco Exposed

The first ad on this list is WHO’s commercial from this year that is in line with this year’s World No Tobacco Day theme 'Protecting Children From Tobacco Industry Interference'.

The ad showcases how big tobacco companies are claiming millions of lives every year and replacing those with new victims. The impactful 140-second spot throws light on the environmental impact caused by cigarette production which leads to the cutting down of 600 million trees, ultimately resulting in 8.4 million tonnes of carbon emissions. Also, the ad highlights how the tobacco industry exploits its farmers and their claim of helping people is far from reality.

Geez, do you still crave a cigarette? All right, maybe the next ad will sway your mind!

2. Australian Government: Excuses

So, you enjoy smoking, eh? Well, the following advert from the Australian Government might just be what you need to dissuade you from picking up another cigarette!

The ad showcases contrasting scenarios wherein smokers and cancer patients present their stories. From not being able to go a few hours without a cigarette and not being able to get out of bed without a cigarette to not being able to go a few feet and not being able to get out of bed altogether- the world can change drastically for smokers.

You think you can’t quit smoking? Well, wait until the doctor says they can’t operate on you!

3.  Orient Electric: Stub The Habit

Fathers are the first heroes for their children. So, it’s not surprising that they want to emulate their fathers, picking up on their habits, both good and bad!

This advert by Orient Electric shows a father watching his child as the kid tries to copy his mannerisms. From putting on his father’s clothes to copying his style while faking to speak on the phone, everything seems cute until the kid grabs his mother’s eyebrow pencil and puts it in between his lips like a cigarette. Just like everything else, the kid also tries to copy his father’s smoking habit, leading his father to put out his cigarette finally.

What your kids see is what they are going to follow. So, be mindful of the examples that you set in front of your kids!

4. National Health Service: See It to Feel It

If only smokers could see the damage that cigarettes cause to their bodies, they would probably stop smoking. Thankfully, NHS UK came up with this brilliant idea to give smokers a glimpse of what smoking does to their bodies.

The ad showcases a man smoking a cigarette. But the burning cigarette looks like human lungs caught on fire. The message- if you could see the damage, you’d probably stop! Smoking causes mutations in the human body, which ultimately leads to cancer. Every 15 cigarettes that you smoke, cause a mutation, pushing you toward cancer.

Is it really worth it, mate?

5. Indian Ministry of Health & Family Welfare: Late

And here’s my favorite one from this list. This advert by the Indian Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is a stark reminder to every smoker that they are living on borrowed time and must quit before it’s too late.

The ad shows a man constantly smoking, even in his child’s presence, much to the chagrin of his wife. But while the woman does everything to save her daughter from passive smoking, there isn’t much that she could do for her husband whom she constantly keeps closing the doors on. Then one fine day, the man knocks on the door and tells her that he’s finally quit smoking.

But just when you think that all is going to be well, the ad reveals the husband’s portrait with a garland around it, signifying that he’s already passed away.

Wrapping Up

And that was a wrap of some of the best anti-smoking commercials. Smoking kills millions of people every year. And if you think that’s bad, consider this- old people aren’t even the main target of tobacco companies, it’s the young they are after. And they are winning! Quit today, quit now! A cigarette isn’t worth dying for, friend!

We’ll be back with more amazing adverts for you. Till then, stay tuned!

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