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5 Pride Month 2024 Commercials Stole the Show with Rainbow Brilliance

Phew, we almost missed it (just like last year, and all the years before that🙈) But not this time, folks! After all, the LGBTQIA+ community is just as important a part of our society as anyone else. Fortunately, most brands realized it way earlier than the rest of us, and they have been at the forefront when it comes to championing the cause of this group that has been marginalized for so long. This reflects very well in their ad campaigns too, especially the ones centered around Pride Month. After somewhat subdued celebrations last year, Pride Month 2024 is in full swing with some of the biggest brands coming out in support of the LGBTQUIA+ community.

So, here we are with 5 wonderful Pride Month 2024 commercials that set the inclusivity benchmark really high.

1. Macy’s: Express Yourself

Department store company Macy’s joined hands with the American nonprofit organization Trevor Project in this ad that encourages young LGBTQ+ people to embrace their authentic selves.

The 3-minute advert shows young LGBTQ+ people reliving their core memories, and celebrating stories, outfits, and moments that helped them find themselves. I mean they all realize at some point that they aren’t like other people and are somewhat different. These stories serve as an inspiration for people to take the journey of remembering and rediscovering themselves.

2. Infosys: Inclusion in Progress

The LGBT Pride Month each year serves as a reminder of how far we have come with regard to safeguarding the rights of the LGBT people. But is true acceptance a reality for everyone?

This 1-minute spot by the IT giant Infosys unveils the harsh truth of how inclusion at the workplace is still a work in progress. Imagine being productive at your work while being wary of not being called out by your colleagues for your identity. Sucks, right? I thought so!

3. Spice Jet: Let’s Create a Wonderful World

I know the pronoun debate has garnered a lot of negative publicity lately. But we must always strive for a world where every gender is respected and inclusivity forms the core of society.

This brilliant 2-minute advert features LGBT people voicing their concerns on why the use of certain terminologies like “ladies and gentlemen” is problematic and boy, they have a point! The great thing is that the Indian airline Spice Jet has taken its first step towards creating that world that we spoke of previously by gearing towards becoming more gender-neutral in how they welcome everyone- showing more courtesy, more warmth, and more inclusivity.

4. Levis: What Makes You Happy?

Levis thought of a fun idea to celebrate queer joy this Pride Month by teaming up with seven people, all doled up in the Levis collection. Their idea- self-expression.

To help them express themselves, Levis asked each one of the seven members what made them happy. And although all of them gave differently worded answers, the basic sentiment of their responses remained the same i.e., being able to show themselves as they are, amidst the people who loved them and lifted them up.

Isn’t that what we all crave, a sense of belonging?

5. IKEA: The Closet

And here’s my favorite Pride Month 2024 commercial. Despite all the legal frameworks for the safeguarding of LGBTQ rights, the journey of embracing their sexuality and accepting it in front of the world is a long battle for the people of this community. This impactful 110-second by IKEA drives home this point with absolute brilliance.

The ad, set in a busy IKEA store, shows people entering a closet placed directly in the center of the store with the question of whether they can live in that closet just like many before them. We soon find out what it is like behind closed doors- silence and a pair of headphones replaying the same old biases that LGBT people hear even today. Customers quitely leave the closet realizing that while they can step out, many will continue to live inside.

Could this advert be any more apt? Nah, I don’t think so!

Wrapping Up

And that was a wrap of some of the best Pride Month 2024 commercials. Although we have come a long way when it comes to the protection of LGBT rights, there’s still a lot of room for betterment to bring things for homosexuals at par with their hetero counterparts. Until that happens, these adverts will continue driving us in the right way.

We’ll be back with more amazing adverts for you. Till then, stay tuned!

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