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Beyond Profit: AirAsia and Its Soaring Flight to Sustainable Development

AirAsia is a household name in Southeast Asia – a name synonymous with affordable air travel. But if you dare to look beyond the realm of commerce, you will be surprised to find that since its inception in 1993, this company has also emerged as an undeniable force at the forefront of social change.

Welcome to another blog from our #BeyondProfit series, where we celebrate organizations that go beyond corporate greed to give back to the communities they serve. Today, we celebrate AirAsia by exploring its often-overlooked philanthropic side and the profound impact it leaves on society.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Education and Community Development 

Education is the building block of any community’s overall development. Therefore, it is no surprise that it also makes a big part of AirAsia’s philanthropic efforts.

Trying to bridge the divide in education, AirAsia not only enables students to explore new horizons through affordable fares but also provides a much-needed educational infrastructure. In partnership with local governments and communities, the company has built and renovated schools. Besides, AirAsia recognizes the potential of technology to transform learning. This is why, the AirAsia Foundation has implemented programs to provide access to digital devices and internet connectivity to students who cannot afford them.

Beyond physical infrastructure, the AirAsia Foundation has also prioritized teacher training and development. By investing in the capacity of educators, the foundation aims to enhance teaching methodologies and create a more engaging and effective learning experience for students.

2. Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid 

Today, it is not uncommon to see brands rush to aid the affected communities in the event of a disaster. And certainly, AirAsia is no different.

When disaster strikes, AirAsia swiftly mobilizes its resources to deliver essential supplies, medical aid, and personnel to affected regions. Their extensive network of flights enables rapid transportation of relief packages, ensuring timely assistance reaches those in need. The company's track record goes as far back as 2004 when it launched humanitarian flights to Aceh. In 2013, AirAsia launched its most ambitious fundraising campaign to date in response to Typhoon Haiyan's devastation of the Philippines. Since then, it has continued this effort by organizing similar drives for other major natural disasters.

One of its most recent campaigns was Malaysia Flood Relief 2021. In response to urgent calls for aid in the event of severe floods in Peninsular Malaysia, AirAsia (in partnership with BigPay) launched a donation campaign. It put donation boxes on all AirAsia Malaysia flights for almost a month. At the same time, it also invited Android users to donate via the BigPay app on mobile devices.

Beyond the immediate response, AirAsia Foundation is committed to long-term recovery efforts, supporting rebuilding initiatives and community development programs. A great example of this is its new "Allstars Do Good" program that connects AirAsia staff volunteers with humanitarian organizations that the foundation supports.

3. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 

A major part of AirAsia’s philanthropy in this direction is done through its philanthropic arm, the AirAsia Foundation. Brought to life in 2012, the foundation is dedicated to building a thriving ASEAN community, with a particular focus on social entrepreneurship.

Businesses within communities can leave a long-term impact. And AirAsia Foundation is fully aware of it. To start a chain reaction of magnified positive social change, it has grant-making programs in place that help social businesses scale up, strengthen communities, and enable them to build sustainable livelihoods. Any businesses or NGOs based in ASEAN countries with a minimum proven track record of 2 years are welcome to collect grants through the programs.

Some of the social enterprises supported by AirAsia Foundation are Refield Lab (using land to help people and nature co-exist in harmony), Bambuhay (using bamboo to lift impoverished communities while combating plastic pollution and deforestation), Fisherfolk (a women-led social enterprise promoting sustainable seafood by educating fishermen),  Langit (empowering East Malaysian smallholder farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture), and Think Playgrounds (building inclusive public spaces and playgrounds in Vietnam to improve urban quality of life and promote social equity).

Besides, there is Destination GOOD. It's AirAsia Foundation’s flagship social enterprise. They sell handmade, ethical products online and in their Kuala Lumpur store, aiming to promote mindful shopping and empower local artisans.

Bottom Line

And that, folks, is a wrap! AirAsia’s journey into philanthropy as a profitable juggernaut is quite inspiring. There are a lot of lessons here for businesses on what actually works and leaves a bigger, longer-lasting impact when it comes to building sustainable communities.

Hope you found this article from our #BeyondProfit series insightful. We will keep coming back with more content. So, until next, stay tuned!


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