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Beyond Profit: Maybank Group and A Legacy of Positive Social Change

Sometimes banks do more than just banking. Sometimes they go beyond traditional transactions to empower communities. I mean, look at Maybank Group, a leading financial services provider in Southeast Asia. It extends its influence beyond the world of banking through a deep commitment to social responsibility. This commitment is embodied in the Maybank Foundation, the Group's philanthropic arm, which proactively works to create positive change in the communities it serves.

In today's blog from our #BeyondProfit series, we will explore a totally different side of Maybank Group - a humane side, which is often overlooked. Be it education, community empowerment, or environmental sustainability, the Maybank Foundation has become a force to reckon with.

So, without any further ado, let's get started!

1. Education

There is no denying the fact that education is the bedrock of social development. Fully aware of it, the Maybank Foundation does not shy away from making its admirable contribution in this direction. Some of its initiatives encompass offering scholarships to students from underserved communities and developing necessary educational infrastructure in underprivileged areas.

On top of that, the Maybank Foundation is actively investing in programs that improve the access and quality of educational resources. One excellent example is their RISE program, which stands for Reaching Individuals for Social Empowerment. The foundation recognizes the importance of financial literacy in alleviating poverty. This program helps individuals from underprivileged communities gain the necessary knowledge and skills for personal finance management.

2. Healthcare

Access to quality healthcare is one's fundamental right. However, in many underprivileged communities, it is still a distant dream. To ensure that such communities can also reap the benefits of critical medical care, the Maybank Foundation collaborates with its partner healthcare providers across the globe.

A testament to their effort in this direction is their "Heart2Heart" campaign, for which the foundation partnered with Institut Jantung Negara (IJN). The initiative focused on making life-saving heart surgeries available to children in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries.

3. Community Empowerment

Thriving communities make a better world. Well aware of it, the Maybank Foundation provides financial support to programs that work towards community empowerment, usually by equipping often-ignored communities with much-needed skills and resources to become self-sufficient. Other areas of empowerment are - yes, you guessed it, health, sustainability, and general well-being.

In its ultimate goal of creating long-lasting change, the foundation realizes its efforts alone won't suffice. To that end, it cultivates strong partnerships with various non-profits, government bodies, and stakeholders. These collaborative efforts bring more expertise and resources to the table, thus, capable of leaving a bigger, longer-lasting impact. 

4. Environmental Sustainability

There are several ways in which the Maybank Foundation contributes towards environmental sustainability. Through their partnership with non-profits like WWF-Malaysia, they facilitate the conservation of Malayan tigers living in critical habitats. To safeguard them against the threat from poachers, the foundation and its partners run anti-poaching patrols in the concerned areas. Also, they work with local communities for sustainable practices.

In their effort to combat deforestation, the Maybank Foundation has a No Deforestation, No New Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) policy in place. It deters them from financially supporting or engaging in activities/programs that harm forests and exploit workers in forestry and logging industries.

In addition, the Maybank Group is transitioning to a low-carbon economy - with their goal to attain carbon neutrality by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. The company also practices sustainability in its day-to-day operations, urging its clients and other players in the industry to do likewise.

5. Volunteerism and Employee Engagement

Unlike many philanthropy-oriented organizations, a big part of Maybank's charitable effort extends beyond financial contributions. Within the company, there is a promoted culture of volunteerism among the employees, which always inspires them to actively participate in community initiatives. 

A fine example of this volunteerism is Maybank's 'Cahaya Kasih' program, which means 'Light of Love.' This program allows employees the opportunity to devote their spare time and honed skills to a number of social causes. Sure, such initiatives benefit these underserved communities. But at the same time, they also foster a deep sense of purpose, community, and social responsibility in the participating employees.

6. Engaging Customers in Giving

In its philanthropy, Maybank prefers a collective approach to ensure maximum and long-lasting impact. In addition to inspiring volunteerism in its employees, the company even seeks philanthropic engagement from its customer base. 

To encourage its customers to take part in philanthropic activities, Maybank has explored some creative ways. An excellent example is their "You Save & Pledge, We Donate #ForYou" campaign. As a form of contest, this program offers participants a chance to win prizes while simultaneously contributing to charitable causes. 

Programs of such nature are perfect for raising funds as well as awareness of social issues. Besides, it kindles a spirit of giving among the customers. 

Bottom Line

And that, folks, is a wrap of another segment of our #BeyondProfit series. Maybank's commitment to creating a ripple effect of positive social change is quite inspiring and encourages other players in the industry to do the same. Going beyond just financial aid, the company aims to leave a sustainable impact through a collaborative effort in financial inclusion, promoting education, improving healthcare, and supporting community development and well-being.  

Hope you found this piece informative and insightful. We plan to create more content in this series and are always eager to know your thoughts. So, feel free to make good use of the comment section below. And as always, stay tuned! 

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