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[Marketing Guru Video Series] Google Analytics: Bounces (Part II) and Events

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

What else can you put on your page that people could click even if they didn't want to see another page to minimise bounce rates? Jeff Rajeck, Senior Trainer at ClickAcademy Asia, helps you make sense of bounce rates and events on Google Analytics.


A bounce was when someone viewed a single web page and did nothing else and everyone wants to keep their bounce rates low. You could reduce the bounce rate by setting up an event.

What is an event? It is any interaction a visitor has with your website which isn't a page view. It could be a button click to 'read more', a video view or even a document download.

However, for the use action to prevent a bounce, the event has to be specifically configured using JavaScript or Google Tag Manager. For those managing your own websites, this can be tricky - but if you are using a major website provider, there are plenty of help guides and off-the-shelf plugins you can use.

If you're concerned about your bounce rate, think about what else you could put on your page that people could click even if they didn't want to see another page - and set that up as an event. Then you will be able to distinguish real bounces from people who got what they wanted out of your site with a single pageview.

Get hands-on guided training on Google Analytics at ClickAcademy Asia's Google Analytics Certification. The 3-day course covers topics from basic setup and configuration to advanced tracking features. Find out more here.


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