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UX Design Mistakes These Top 5 Applications Made

In the world of app development, exceptional user experience (UX) can determine the success or failure of your product. As users, we are often faced with frustrating experiences caused by poorly designed interfaces and interaction patterns. By examining these mistakes in popular applications, we can gain valuable insights to help us create better user experiences ourselves. In this blog post, we'll dive into real-time case studies of different applications, identifying key UX design mistakes they made and exploring how these errors impacted their overall user experience.

UX Design Mistakes

1. Instagram: The Unintuitive Explore Page Redesign

Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms globally, has had its share of UX missteps. A significant one was the redesign of the Explore page in 2022. The new layout aimed to provide a more personalized experience by offering content based on user preferences. However, the update left many users confused and frustrated.

UX Design Mistake: Overloading the User with Options

The Explore page became cluttered with too many categories and recommendations, Hurdling users in their quest to find what they needed. Instead of a streamlined experience, users were bombarded with content, leading to decision paralysis.


Many users reported that the new Explore page felt overwhelming and confusing, which led to a decline in engagement on this feature. The cluttered interface caused users to spend less time exploring new content, which was the opposite of Instagram’s goal.

2. Snapchat: The 2018 Redesign Backlash

Snapchat is known for its innovative features, but its 2018 redesign was a prime example of how UX mistakes can alienate a user base. The app's interface was dramatically changed, with the Stories and Chat features being separated, and the Discover section becoming more prominent.

UX Design Mistake: Ignoring User Preferences

The redesign completely disregarded the way users were accustomed to navigating the app. The decision to separate Stories from Chats made it harder for users to find their friends' content, leading to widespread frustration.


The backlash was immediate and severe. Over 1.2 million users signed a petition to revert the changes, and Snapchat saw a significant drop in user engagement and satisfaction. The redesign hurt the app's reputation, showing how crucial it is to consider user habits in UX design.

3. Microsoft Teams: Complicated Onboarding Process

Microsoft Teams has become a staple for remote work, but its onboarding process has been criticized for being overly complex. For new users, getting started with Teams can be a daunting task, filled with confusing instructions and a lack of clear guidance.

UX Design Mistake: Complex Onboarding Process

The onboarding process involves multiple steps and jargon that can be difficult for non-technical users to follow. The lack of an intuitive, step-by-step guide leaves users feeling lost and frustrated before they even begin using the app.


This complexity can lead to a steep learning curve, resulting in users abandoning the app or seeking alternatives. For a tool designed to enhance productivity, making the initial experience so cumbersome is a major UX flaw.

4. Google Photos: Confusing Backup Options

Google Photos offers a powerful service for backing up and organizing photos, but its backup options have caused confusion among users. The settings for backing up photos are not straightforward, leading to mistakes in managing storage and understanding what is or isn’t being saved.

UX Design Mistake: Unclear Settings and Options

The backup settings are buried within menus, and the terminology used ("High Quality" vs. "Original Quality") is not immediately clear to users. This has led to misunderstandings about how photos are being stored, and in some cases, users losing important images.


Users have reported accidentally deleting photos or running out of storage because they didn’t fully understand the backup options. This confusion has led to frustration and a loss of trust in the app’s reliability.

5. Airbnb: The Hidden Fees Issue

Airbnb has revolutionized the travel industry, but one recurring UX issue is the presentation of hidden fees. Users often feel blindsided when the final cost of a booking is significantly higher than the price initially displayed.

UX Design Mistake: Lack of Transparent Pricing

The initial search results show a price that doesn’t include cleaning fees, service charges, or taxes, which are only added at the final booking stage. This practice can make users feel misled and frustrated when they reach the checkout page.


The lack of upfront transparency has led to a loss of trust among users. Many potential bookings are abandoned at the last minute when the true cost is revealed, leading to lost revenue for hosts and Airbnb alike.

Key Takeaways: Avoiding Common UX Mistakes

The UX design mistakes highlighted above share common themes: complexity, confusion, and a disconnect between user expectations and the final product. To avoid these pitfalls, app developers and designers should focus on:

1. User-Centric Design

Always prioritize the needs and habits of your users. Conduct thorough user testing before rolling out significant changes.

2. Simplicity and Clarity

Keep interfaces simple and intuitive. Avoid confusing users with a multitude of options or complex configurations.

3. Transparent Communication

Be upfront about costs, features, and changes. Transparency builds trust and enhances the overall user experience.


Understanding and addressing UX design mistakes is crucial for the success of any application. The case studies discussed in this post illustrate how even the most popular apps can falter when user experience is overlooked. By learning from these mistakes and focusing on user-centric design, app developers can create products that foster long-term loyalty.


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